So very ugly

"It was an aesthetic choice as much as a moral one. The West has grown so very ugly, don’t you think?" -The traitor in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

This post will be a change of pace. Bear with me.

Six years ago, on a mission trip to Danlí, Honduras, we were on our way from the church to the hotel. We passed a boy lying in the street, with what I think was club foot, his palms up in a pleading gesture. I didn't break my stride.

Such scenes aren't uncommon in the Third World, or in our densest cities in America. Such open display of suffering instills a certain kind of indifference. It doesn't mean you lack compassion, just that you adjust your sensibilities to the perceived normal.

Now and again I think about that boy with sadness and fury. How can anyone live like that? And what can be done? That's the worst part of it, that feeling of fecklessness and impotence.

Those feelings resurfaced when I saw this video making the rounds on the Internet. This perverted initiation ritual is made all the more disturbing by the enthusiasm of the adults in attendance. They take pleasure in destroying this child's innocence.

I fantasized about rescuing this child from these demented people. But, in truth, what could I do? This child, like the club-footed boy in Honduras, has little hope. This is her normal. Every adult in her life, even her parents, are grooming her for what Brian Neiemaier and others call the Death Cult.

Poverty conditions can be alleviated by material changes. This can only be fixed by spiritual warfare. There can be little doubt the evil one occupies the hearts of many Americans, and his displays are getting bolder.

But Jesus Christ our Savior is more powerful than him. By venerating His name and what He stands for, we can re-evangelize the culture so this doesn't have to be the norm.

This is the highest calling of art. It need not be cold or moralistic. It need only point at truth.

As always, let me know what you think in the comments. I'll reply to you as soon as I can. I invite you to read the first 4 chapters of my new sci-fi book, Seeds of Calamity, for free. If it piques your interest, get yourself a copy at Amazon. I appreciate the support!

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