Deceptive philosophy

See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ. (Colossians 2:8)

Always remember that the easiest lies to swallow are 90% true, and tend to sync with basic human nature. The 10% lie against orthodoxy produces not a difference in degree of faith, but a difference in kind.

If God asks for an orange, a small round fruit, and you bring an apple, also a small round fruit, you have failed. An apple is not an orange. (Hat tip David V Stewart for the metaphor.)

Test what you hear against the teaching of the Bible and God's will that is made known to us. God is a specific person, and heretical teaching will try to change His identity. Discern truth from falsehood, and pray to God to give you insight.

Check this out:

This teaching, which identifies Jesus as a political revolutionary, substitutes a non-limiting principle (overthrow oppressors) for a limiting one (subject yourself to God). The liberation convert may deduce, rightly, that it's your "Christian" duty to upend all of creation if it oppresses your political will. This invariably includes timeless Biblical proscriptions against immoral acts, which all people made of flesh and bone chafe against.

Kendi's "savior theology" is simply a rewording of the Great Commission with negative racial connotations. This is clarifying. Jesus' last command, to spread the truth of the Gospel, stands in contrast to Kendi's liberation theology. On this alone, you can reject Kendi's deception.

Two thousand years ago the Jews of the Roman province of Judea desperately wanted a political messiah to lead them in a revolt against the Romans. Jesus, the final and fullest revelation of who God is, did not do this.

"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's," Jesus said. Paul wrote to the Romans to submit to the governing authorities. He told slaves to be obedient to their masters.

As much as you may justifiably hate the Romans, hate the authorities, hate slavery, Jesus did not come to liberate you of the chains other people put on you. Jesus came to break the chains of sin, to break our ties to the devil. Through Him, who defeated death, we are one with our Creator. That is the unmovable essence of Christ.

As always, let me know what you think in the comments. If you like sci-fi, check out my books Seeds of Calamity and Tendrils to the Moon. You can find extended previews for each here and here.

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